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My Story

The Inspiring Journey of Jeffery Lee

Founder of Jimena SkinCare

Every company has a history, and every person has a story. Here is the remarkable tale of Jeffery Lee, the visionary behind Jimena SkinCare. Jeffery’s journey of determination and perseverance has not only been a source of inspiration but has also played a significant role in making Jimena SkinCare a leading name in the beauty industry.

Jeffery Lee

Founder Jimena SkinCare

A Legacy of Resilience and Tenacity

Jeffery was born and raised in Queens, New York, embodying the spirit of an American-born Chinese. Growing up as the middle child in a family with an older brother and a younger sister, Jeffery’s roots are traced back to his great-grandfather, who embarked on a courageous voyage from China to the United States in search of a better life.
@jimena.skincare #JefferyLeeStory #FounderJourney #InspirationalStory

The Chinese community faced numerous challenges during those times, with many risking their lives for a chance at a brighter future. Yet, my great-grandfather’s determination prevailed as he overcame the odds and successfully arrived in the States. This legacy of strength and resilience laid the foundation for Jeffery’s own journey.

Embracing Adversity and Rising Above

The history of Jeffery’s family is one marked by trials and tribulations. During World War II, Jeffery’s grandparents found themselves in a precarious situation, forced to hide in the mountains to escape the Japanese. They endured unimaginable hardships, surviving on meager resources and resorting to consuming grass and plants to sustain themselves.

However, their indomitable spirit allowed them to emerge even stronger. With only $300 in their pockets, Jeffery’s grandparents made their way to the United States, accompanied by their four children. Jeffery’s grandmother worked as a seamstress, while his grandfather took up the role of a dishwasher. They knew the true meaning of survival, and their stories became a wellspring of inspiration for Jeffery.
@jimena.skincare #ResilienceLegacy #FamilyInspiration #TriumphOverAdversity

Forging His Own Path to Success

Jeffery’s aspirations were deeply rooted in entrepreneurship, and he was determined to carve his own path and achieve the pinnacle of success. With business flowing through his veins, he acquired invaluable knowledge and insights into the intricacies of the beauty industry. This led Jeffery to establish his own skincare company, Jimena SkinCare.

At Jimena SkinCare, our core belief revolves around the significance of listening to your skin. Derived from its Latin origins, “Jimena” carries the biblical meaning of “the one who has heard.” This ideology underscores our commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of an individual’s skin.
@jimena.skincare #EntrepreneurJourney #PassionForSkincare #ListenToYourSkin

The Pursuit of Excellence in Skincare

In a world where the skincare industry is saturated with options, Jimena SkinCare stands apart. Navigating the competitive landscape of the skincare industry is no easy feat. However, Jeffery’s unwavering passion for making a positive difference in people’s lives through his products fueled his determination. He recognized that skincare is not merely a superficial concern but an essential aspect of one’s overall well-being.

Devoting countless hours to research and development, Jeffery tirelessly experimented with various formulas and ingredients. His mission was clear – to create skincare products capable of transforming lives for the better. Each formulation underwent rigorous testing and refinement, ensuring the utmost effectiveness and safety.
@jimena.skincare #SkincareExcellence #TransformingLives #RigorouslyTested

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Our Mission

Why we matter as a company:

At Jimena SkinCare, our core belief revolves around the significance of listening to your skin. Derived from its Latin origins, “Jimena” carries the biblical meaning of “the one who has heard.” This ideology underscores our commitment to understanding and addressing the unique needs of an individual’s skin.

Skin care is a journey. There are ups and down but many of us seek the smooth rather than the rough. We hear you on that. As we all know, quality takes time. We spend the time to listen, Jimena Skin Care’s number one mission is to help people achieve the healthy and vibrant skin they want and need. With faith in God, and years of work and research, we have listened to your skin, please let us speak value back into your skin care journey.

Our Vision

What are we striving to be:

To be recognized as the leading provider of effective and results-oriented skin care products, guided by the principle of listening to customers’ skin.

To become the go-to skincare brand that prioritizes personalized care and addresses individual skin concerns.

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Customer-centric approch: Continuously listen and understand the needs and concerns of our customers to develop tailored skin care solutions.

Research and innovation: Invest in scientific research and innovative technologies to develop cutting-edge skin care products.

Quality assurance: Maintain high standards of quality in all our products, ensuring they deliver the promised results.

Education and empowerment: Provide educational resources and guidance to empower individuals in taking care of their skin.


Create a comprehensive range of skin care products for different skin types and concerns.

Build a loyal customer base by delivering exceptional results and personalized experiences.

Expand the reach of our brand through effective marketing and strategic partnerships.

Continuously improve and innovate our products based on customer feedback and emerging trends.


Conduct thorough skin assessments and consultations to understand individual skin needs.

Develop customized skin care routines and recommend suitable products.

Regularly communicate with customers through newsletters, blog posts, and social media to provide information and tips.

Collaborate with dermatologists, aestheticians, and beauty influencers to promote our products and expertise.

Create a loyalty program for repeat customers

Customer Values

Personalized approach: Understanding and addressing the unique needs and concerns of individual skin.

Quality and Results: Delivering effective products that meet customers’ expectations.

Trust and transparency: Maintaining integrity in all aspects, from product formulation to communication and relationships

Education and empowerment: Providing resources and guidance to help customers make informed decisions in their skin care journey.

Customer Segments

Individuals with specific skin concerns (acne, aging, dryness, etc.)

Beauty enthusiasts seeking effective and trustworthy skin care products.

Professionals in the beauty and wellness industry (dermatologists, aestheticians, spa owners, etc.)

Those who prioritize natural and sustainable skin care options.

We Offer you a wide range of beauty Products

We know that there are many skincare products and treatments available on the market, but not all are created equal. At Jimena SkinCare, we strive to stand out from our competitors by providing a unique and individual approach to skincare.
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